piątek, 13 czerwca 2014

8th Kindergarten of Kilkis Greece

The school is over for us.  
Now we start summer vacation
So we want to send you a message:

Greetings in your own language !!!
8th Kindergarten of Kilkis Greece
"Friendship from Poland"

 We receive the word FRIENDSHIP from Poland

We put it in a flower

We decorate it next to ours

poniedziałek, 2 czerwca 2014

8th Kindergarten of Kilkis Greece

This is how we say "friendship" in Greek:   Φ Ι Λ Ι Α


piątek, 23 maja 2014

ABC in Spanish

Despues de deciros HOLA  os invitamos a   a  este karaoke  y repetir con nosotros los sonidos de nuestras letras

After we say hello we invite you to watch this karaoke and repeat with us the sounds of our letters

poniedziałek, 5 maja 2014

Hola Kaixo Hello ...

Somos del CEIP S Ignacio de Algorta (Spain)

En  nuestra clase nos podemos saludar en todos estos idiomas . En nuestras casas se hablan diferentes idiomas porque somos de países diferentes.
España, Bolivia, China, Polonia,Italia, USA, Rumania ...

We are from the CEIP S Ignacio de Algorta (Spain)

In our class we can greet us in all these languages.We speak different languages in our houses because we are from different countries.

Spain, Bolivia, China, Poland, Italy, USA, Romania …

sobota, 26 kwietnia 2014

8th Kindergarten of Kilkis - Greece
A game with letters

The Greek Alphabet has 24 letters

We are putting plastic letters into the box and we' re mixing them

We' re playing a game with the letters

Each child is picking up a letter

He/she must match it with the paper letter

Which letter am  I going to fall upon...?

Here 's the letter K...

Here 's a Σ...

The box is empty now

Each child is colouring his/her letter in bright colours

Our colourful alphabet is ready!!!

poniedziałek, 31 marca 2014

Welcome to the blogsite of the eTwinning project:
"Have fun with ABC"

We hope you will enjoy our language lessons!

We want to learn alphabets in different languages.

Have fun... Have fun with ABC!